Contact us to make one of our 16" rifles California Compliant....
In order for a rifle to meet the requirements of being fixed magazine, the magazine of the firearm must be permanently attached/fixed to the firearm until the action is disassembled. The California Department Of Justice (DOJ) Regulations published by the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) clearly state that hinging the action open on the front pivot pin of the AR15 and AR variant rifles is considered disassembly of the action.
There are many fixed magazine locks out there and they seem to function well and with much practice you wouldn't even notice much of a difference and in my opinion is more convenient than the previous bullet button magazine lock.
The advantages to using this method for now is that you get to keep all of the other "so called" EVIL features such as: Adjustable stock, Flash hider, Pistol grip.
Replace current pistol grip with a grip that blocks the thumb from wrapping around the grip.
Install a M4 stock locking pin that will convert your adjustable collapsible stock into a fixed stock
Replace your Flash hider with a Muzzle brake, Thread protector or use a non-threaded barrel.
It’s the purchasers responsibility to know the current firearm laws and regulations in their state, county, and city. Laws are changing more frequently so please be familiar with all of your local and state laws / regulations before installing any featureless product